
«MARINERUS – SRW» - GLONASS Scientific-Research Work

2016-09-18 21:47
Working out of offers and methods of application of system GLONASS, perspective global navigating satellite systems and their functional additions as a part of VTS and AIS.
Carrying out of researches by definition of quality of positioning of vessels on internal waterways at use of the mixed constellation of systems GLONASS, GPS, and qualities of transfer of differential amendments, including wide zone systems.
From July, 2008 for several years “Scientific-industrial enterprise “MARINERUS” has executed research workings out and has spent experimental researches under programs "Management-river" and "Test-river".
Works were spent according to the governmental orders «Equipment transport, technical and systems equipment of satellite navigation" and "The federal target program «Global navigating system», and also with the subroutine «Introduction and use of satellite navigating systems in the field of transport».
Modern methods and means of positioning, traffic control of vessels on internal waterways of the Russian Federation demand application of new technologies – first of all such, as automatic identification systems (AIS) and technologies of satellite navigation on the basis of differential additions of global navigating satellite systems of positioning.
For increase of level of safety of navigation, efficiency of use and competitiveness of an internal sailing charter, and also ecological safety at the expense of use of new elements of uniform technology of satellite navigation and according to technical and operational parameters of the equipment of GNSS GLONASS/GPS by working out of control-correcting stations (CCS), their input in pre-production operation and survey should correspond to technical-operational requirements of Ministry of Transport of Russia.
Expansion on inland water ways of the Russian Federation of a network of control-correcting stations in a combination to subsystems AIS, VTS of Corporate river information system making an integral part, will provide high degree of a management efficiency with movement of ships on main deep-water system of the European part of Russia.
For the purpose of a complex estimation of teamwork of base stations AIS and a chain of local differential additions GLONASS employees of the enterprise analyze and check up structure of their relative positioning and working zones taking into account a difficult spreading surface of the Earth, a blocking relief, intensity of a mutual and industrial radio noise at various times year.
The decision of these problems directly is connected with navigation prolongation in early spring and late autumn the periods, and also with increase in throughput of gross national product, increase of economic efficiency and safety of traveling works and navigation on inland waters of the Russian Federation with creation prospect on their base of the international transport corridors.
For commissioning of a chain of CCS GLONASS/GPS by MARINERUS Company, the analysis is carried out and the organization of their working zones is checked up. Researches by definition of quality of positioning of ships, including of small size in east part of Gulf of Finland, the Nevskaya guba and a mouth of the river Neva are conducted. Experimental estimations are compared with results of theoretical researches. Working out of scientifically well-founded offers on protection of channels of transfer of the correcting information against influence of industrial radio noises in the Nevskaya guba and a mouth of the river Neva is executed.
It is necessary to notice that for the river regions which are not entering into main deep-water system (Siberia, the Far East), AIS technology in an ultra short range of radio waves for maintenance of monitoring of vessels is ineffective. Therefore, for these areas, the system of monitoring based on satellite communication systems and a radio range of short waves is rather actual. Necessary calculations by definition of quality of positioning in the specified areas with the account of AIS specificity of the equipment still should be executed.
In the course of researches, high quality of carried out works, including registration of target documents according to requirements operating in the Russian Federation and the quality standards has been provided. Scientific and technical production according to the technical project of IFC MARINERUS has given to the Customer according to a job schedule. The scientific report completely corresponds to the technical project and answers the initial data.